Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Snow and Lectures

Well we had 10 inches of snow yesterday and the spring like weather last weekend was transformed to a true Boston style winter. One thing is sure after living in winter in Boston I'll definitely stop cribbing about cold in Philly..:-)

We had sessions on Career development today - Networking, using Alumni, MIT web resources and Career development depts. One last year SDMer also gave insight on how he was able to secure 5 offers by using these resources, not that all get these kind of offers but it was good to see a working approach.

Tomorrow we will have Resume building exercise where they shrink your 5 page resume to 1 and try to make you more aware of your skills, goals, options and career path - will post more about it later.

System Architecture (SA) - This has been more of a philosophical class so far but in last couple of sessions it has become clear why Mr. Crawley has taken the approach of clearing the terms, nomenclature and definitions first and then getting in to functions and other elements. SA's assignments are interesting but are very time consuming the currency we SDMers do not have in JAN..:-).

Human Side of Technology is very well taught by Ralph Katz and he is doing an amazing job in keeping the class participation and clearing the concepts. His energy is visible on the podium, no wonder his lecture is after lunch and even after free lunch I see very few heads dozing. This lecture talks about Human behavior in organizations, team work, disruptive technologies - Lot of interesting storied from Ralph's personal experience, Its very informative.

...........and we have a 6 lecture refresher on Probability and Statistics which will be used in our Engineering Risk and Benefit Analysis later.

Working on my spring course selection this week as I'll be taking them via Video Conf. so will need to synchronize them with the work.

Well its 11:45 in the night and I need to teleport to dream so saio nara .... will catch yaa later.

1 comment:

renu teja said...

Hi Ashok ,

We are missing you(the Wikipedia) on lunch table.We all want to hear more about your experiences in MIT :) Good Luck and keep going!!!

Btw, whatz the calorie count saying :-????

Renu Teja